Friday, July 13, 2007

Tracking Video, Day Two


eiszoe said...

Nice, so professional recording involves stalking session artists through fuzzy security cameras....check!

MIKE P said...

I only know Ben as much as the little glimpses seen in things like this, BTLOG, Far Country, and maybe a few other little web appearances. But nonetheless, I'm pretty sure he is a monster genius.

Please tell him that he should post more on his blog, and finish his record. It's like a big tease.

Thanks for sharing wealth AP.

James Lee Younger III said...

could ben shive play some more bass on the record by singing?

rednk-n-eurp said...

wow the new music sure sounds perdy.

Simon Miner said...

Hey Ben,

How about instead of sliding from the IV chord to the I, you have Matt walk upward one step per beat, so it would be like this...


Even better, if he slid each one of those steps without restriking...Yeah....that would really provide some reason for "the tears on the face of the old man."

Word painting at its finest, eh?